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The education committee (UU) engages in the Law Students’ Union’s (JF) primary task – to monitor the education. The committee works closely together with the drafting committee for education issues (BG), which is led by JF's president. BG also includes JF’s former president and at least one board member. The education committee is responsible for making sure the students’ views and opinions are presented to the faculty and reach the relevant lecturer. The Union officers lead meetings for the active members and participate in the student representatives' so-called course conferences. They discuss and choose strategies for making an impact on the education and organise different events, both for the active members but also for law students in general. For example, the committee organises appreciated lectures about stress and study techniques. If you think this sounds interesting and meaningful, read more here about how you can make an impact on your education!
There are six officials in the education committee: a chairman and five vice-chairmen.

The chairman of the education committee has a coordinating role and ensures that the cooperation in the committee works and that the work flows as it should. She also convenes the committee's officials and activists when necessary. Furthermore, the chairman sits as a student representative on the committee for education at basic and advanced level (NUGA) at the faculty, and is also a member of the JURO collaboration, which means visits to other study locations in the country to discuss education issues at a national level.

The committee also includes five vice-chairmen. They are divided according to five different work areas: course representative, study environment, advanced courses, master's program and equality and equal treatment.

The vice-chairman with responsibility for course representatives is mainly responsible for the course representatives and thus convenes and leads the course representative meetings. The vice-chairman course representative is also responsible for the course representatives getting to know each other and working well together. For that reason, for example, kick-offers, dinners and trainings are arranged for the course representatives. Here you can read more about the course representatives and read the minutes from the course representative meetings.

The vice-chairman with responsibility for the study environment is primarily responsible for matters concerning the students' work environment. Questions such as accessibility for people with functional variants, ergonomics and study stress are recurrent in this area.

The vice-chairman with responsibility for in-depth courses is mainly responsible for the educational monitoring of the in-depth courses. The work involves contact with the teachers responsible for the course and organizing student influence at advanced level.

The vice-chairman with responsibility for master's programs is mainly responsible for the educational monitoring of the master's programs. The work involves contact with the teachers responsible for the course and organizing student influence at advanced level.

Vice-chairman with responsibility for gender equality and equal conditions is mainly responsible for JF's work with gender equality and equal conditions. She is also a student representative in the faculty's Equality and Equal Treatment Committee.


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